Happy New Year

It’s 16 days into the new year and high time I write something clichéd about resolutions and self improvement. In reality, having an arbitrary day where we all vow that “this will be my year”, while continuing to shitpost online and fail to go to the gym, is total bollocks. But that’s totally fine – if, in the end, we do manage some form of self improvement that we’ve been promising ourselves for years, that’s amazing – and definitely not something to look down on.

I’m a terrible resolution maker and keeper. My resolutions are often dreams I’ll never achieve (really. I’m not just being a pessimist.) Or they’re half-baked attempts to satiate the desire to believe I’m improving myself, usually in the form of something that’s way too easy to call a resolution. But, naively, every year I find myself uttering the same bullshit phrase: “this will be my year”. While I’m sat in bed. At 7pm. Eating a sandwich, for my first meal of the day. (Hey, I’m still depressed, and have days where I achieve nothing).

A resolution doesn’t have to turn your whole life around, and turn you into a totally different person. In my experience, it only has to be a decision, to try something new or different, and see what happens to your life because of it. Aaand this wouldn’t be a post by Merry if there wasn’t some disgusting cliché halfway through, eh..? Anyway, maybe this year I’ll start to eat healthier and lose some of the weight I put on at uni, or maybe I’ll just manage to feed my body slightly more consistently. Maybe I’ll make those doctors appointments I’ve been putting off for too long, and I’ll read more. I’ll definitely try and post more frequently. But at the end of the day (or the year), maybe I – maybe we all – will just be content if we come through this year a little happier. After all, it’s a god-awful world out there. Gotta leave on a negative note.

Love, Merry

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